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October Gardener

Soil Testing for pH moisture anf fertility of your soil .

Gardening is good for our health, and I have for some time now advocated that it would be good for Doctors and Nurses to prescribe this essential therapeutic activity for those in search of a pathway to peace and tranquillity especially in these difficult economic times and sadly war in Europe and the Middle east and more climate disasters we are seeing.

   Gardening can be a lifesaver in many more  cases for mental health and to provide access to gardening spaces for us all is vital. Research indeed shows depression, loneliness and other mental health issues can and have been addressed successfully for people of all ages when they are introduced to varying horticultural activities from a local allotment or small plot to standard garden plots and many have decided to grow indoor plants from the kitchen windowsill and some even hanging from the ceiling .Local garden centres are now stocking a fascinating selection mixture of sun loving .......and shadier preferring indoor varieties ,take a look round in these autumnal days .

 Gardens and horticulture),even just a balcony are good  to try  in fresher air or  however small the gardens whatever size. Some of us may be able to simply get out and walk  and enjoy walking past other gardens and even better to the nearest public space such as a playground or a local municipal park at least being able to maintain more freedom and enjoy trees shrubs and flowers, some wild flowers and not forgetting our wild birds and four legged friends such as hedgehogs and water voles if  we are lucky to see them .!!   

 I have always regarded October as one of the busiest months of the gardening year because we need to prepare for Spring!  Yes - the New Year and Spring are fast approaching as well as the Christmas festive season.  Bring in tender Pelargoniums before October especially after a dry spell as tender perennial plants hate wet feet in winter!!  A sunny spot in the house   will keep them flowering.

 Clear falling leaves into plastic sacks or wire containers and supported containers, it’s worth saving them for the best soil improver I know, leaf mould. Tidy ponds and cover from leaves and dig out silt and yellowing water lily leaves, reduce feeding fish. Leave any water weed cleared beside the pond to allow any wildlife to return.

 With evidence of climatic change, it is as I mentioned earlier in the year vital now to prepare and repair very hardened   dried-out soil as it begins to moisten and soften with the approach of Autumn.  Add plenty of organic mulch with manure or compost and a must is plenty of   grit with much  heavier rain in Winter .  Refresh the vital nitrogen cycle this way begin by spreading and digging in N P K WITH organic blood, fish and bone preferably in damp/wet soil. This will boost all the vital main nutrients, especially PhosphorusP for strengthening cell structure and roots and K Potassium and Magnesium for next year flowering.  Phosphorus P is not a very soluble product so will need  months over winter to take effect but it’s worth the effort in giving plants added strength at the start of Autumn . Check if any of your plants have unusually bending stems, a sure sign of weakness and possibly a lack of phosphorus. This deficiency usually occurs with sandy, stony, generally poor and neglected rough soil devoid of any clay-based nutrients and very important organic matter soil such as compost and manure for green growth .

Ref Science for the Gardener book Chapter 7 Digging for Victory !!

Tony Arnold Author of popular easy read Science for the Gardener Book on sale through this web site BUY


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