Apr 24, 20173 minApril Gardener 2017What a wonderful month of the year to enjoy, with every plant deciding winter is very definitely going and suddenly we are all caught out...
Mar 1, 20162 minMarch Gardener 2016March gardener March is the exciting month – the beginning of gardening year full activity - when we can hopefully get out into the...
Apr 21, 20153 minApril Gardener 2015Tatworth and District Horticultural Society, South Somerset UK Special Talk by Rob Cotterill FCIHort M Hort (RHS). At the second open...
May 2, 20141 minMay Gardener 2014May, with warmer (hopefully frost free days) and lighter evenings, is the month to refurbish your garden. Things to do this month: We all...
Mar 10, 20141 minMarch Gardner 2014March is the exciting month when we can hopefully get out into the garden and get to work after a long, dark and very wet and windy...